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The Gift: Trauma to Triumph

How to rise up when life beats you down.

About The Author

As a trauma survivor, trauma recovery clinician, substance abuse counselor, and healer, the author shares how to transform trauma into triumph.

Burton Fischler, MPsych, CASAC-A, CCTP shares The Gift: Trauma To Triumph, a journey from tragedy — murder, betrayal, suicide — to recovery and triumph. It’s a true crime story of how inadequately treated substance abuse and mental illness can irreparably tear families apart. He has worked on a suicide prevention hotline, a detoxification treatment center, and psychiatric wards. How trauma recovery and health growth are possible for trauma survivors determined to rise up when life beats them down.

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It took 11 years for me to muster the courage to request crime scene photos for this book. I felt my readers deserved to see brutal but honest images to prevent others from becoming victims of inadequately treated mental illness and substance abuse.



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Crime Scene


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Your Life, Transformed

The Gift: Trauma to Triumph

The Gift: Trauma to Triumph recounts the author’s struggle to survive, learn healing practices, build inner strength, explore effective pathways to recovery, and discover a life worth living. In this true crime self-help memoir, dubbed “The Trauma Survivor’s Bible,” readers learn how to heal their broken selves, families, communities, nations, and world.

The Gift: Trauma to Triumph begins with the murder of the author’s wife. A 10-year look-back divulges family maladies and miseries. A 10-year look-forward reveals unexpected recovery. If we’re courageous and fortunate enough to find our healing path, then we survive seemingly unbearable grief and misfortune to experience the miracle of post-traumatic growth.

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Marianne Masopust, LCSW, CASAC

“I traveled a frightening and lonely road through the darkness of tragedy to the light that brightened my path. Along the way, I discovered unexpected gifts: spiritual awakenings and revelations that brought me to a new place. A rich and peaceful space within me that’s grounded in love and forgiveness, faith and hope, gratitude and awe. A home in which I can continue to grow and thrive in heretofore unimaginable ways.”

Burton Fischler

“The thing about surviving trauma is that there is not one clear path that jumps out at the therapist or the patient as “the way.” And indeed, the end of suffering is nowhere in sight after tragedy strikes.”

Sarah Simms, Ph.D., LCSW

“What we don’t need in the midst of struggle is shame for being human.”

Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”

Carl Jung

“If we survive personal tragedy, we’re forced to reappraise what matters most to us — what a new, more meaningful life might look like. Herein lies our opportunity to discover what we choose to awaken to so that we can make sense of our survival and so that our survival makes sense.”

Burton Fischler


Fischler’s memoir details a family tragedy and his struggle to find peace and purpose in the aftermath.

... details his arduous journey to healing and self-improvement, through which he discovered spirituality and mindfulness and a desire to help others struggling through devastating tragedies (hence this work).
... describes the curative powers of rediscovering awe, both for the world and for his hard-earned recovery: “Tragedy makes us brutally aware that our existence is a miracle...tragedy devastates, humbles, awakens, and overwhelms us."

An impressive journey of self-help and growth...

Kirkus Reviews


Burton Fischler, MPsych, Author
Certified Clinical Trauma Professional
Trauma Recovery Group Facilitator

It’s time we learn how to take the best from trauma, rather than letting it continue taking the best from us. — Burton Fischler

What’s left after trauma? Abuse? Betrayal? Grief? Serious illness? Addiction? Financial loss? Relationship Breakup? Falling from grace? A Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) Model provides the framework for healing our body, mind, emotional child, and spirit.

Fischler’s Trauma Recovery Groups leverage the power of human connection to help us heal. Multimodal learning, exercises, techniques, and evidence-based therapies are harnessed to maximize our human healing potential. Psychoeducation, exercises, videos, poems, and songs facilitate learning, integration, and healing. Sessions are held online via Zoom video.

As a Certified Seeking Safety counselor, the facilitator utilizes Dr. Lisa M. Najavits’ safe practices in a safe space, including body movement, somatic exercises, polyvagal exercises, breathing exercises, grounding exercises, meditation, trauma-informed yoga, the RAIN mindfulness technique, healthy coping, resilience-building, Dr. Kristen Neff’s Self-Compassion, Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Cognitive-Affective Stress Management Training, Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). As a huge fan of Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy, the facilitator’s therapeutic approach emphasizes our freedom to choose how we respond to even the most horrific events.

The author has facilitated over 100 trauma recovery groups for trauma survivors interested in healing their bodies and minds from trauma.

Selected group members may take advantage of the healing power of human connection with fellow trauma survivors.

Importantly, members receive evidence-based psychoeducation, multimodal learning, exercises, healing practices from multiple disciplines, and resources. Shared member experiences are the cornerstone of the group.

The author is forming two closed groups of 10 – 12 members each. Selected members start and finish the 25-week group at the same time.
Subject to admission, availability, and scheduling constraints, members are invited to join either the Saturday morning groups from 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM EST or the Sunday evening groups from 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST.

All applicants seeking Group Membership will schedule a one-hour Assessment Session with the Group Facilitator/Author with a series of standardized screening assessments followed by a one-on-one 15-minute interview with the author. Confidentiality is guaranteed as permitted by law. All applicants will pay a non refundable $300 Assessment fee in advance. Membership is not guaranteed. Insurance is not accepted.

Selected members must have access to Zoom video and be willing to commit their time and financial resources to the 25-week program. To maximize group cohesion, selected members are required to pay in advance of the group commencement date. All members must sign an agreement to respect the privacy of all group members and not share group content outside the group. You

25 – Two-Hour Group Sessions @ $5,000. Insurance is not accepted.

The group process will organically unfold and will include the following stages:

FORMATIVE STAGE – group rules; signed confidentiality agreement; establishment of safe, gentle, and kind space; group participants information exchange; group goals; trauma healing journaling; and gratitude journal.

TRANSITION STAGE – storming and norming; group vs individual goals; moving from me-ness to we-ness.

WORKING STAGE – including weekly Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT) exercises and unpacking cognitive distortions; weekly trauma-informed yoga; progressive muscle relaxation; cognitive reprocessing therapy exercises; trauma-sensitive somatic experiencing; Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR); mandala and sensorimotor art therapy; kintsugi; morning altars; sound therapy; finding trauma’s silver lining; and creating a new life that’s worth living.

TERMINATION STAGE – wrap-up, evaluation, and next steps.

TO SCHEDULE AN ASSESSMENT, SEND AN EMAIL to schedule your assessment and for payment instructions.

Articles By The Author

Lessons On Trauma Care From Humpty Dumpty

A trauma victim and life coach speaks out: how a nursery rhyme inspired a sense of agency and self-care that sparked trauma recovery, personal transformation, and even post-traumatic growth.

The Gratitude Rx

A trauma victim, survivor, and life coach discusses how gratitude saved his life and has the power to greatly improve yours.

Experiencing Life Without Drugs or Alcohol

A trauma victim, survivor, and life coach reveals the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ of abstinence, recovery, and renewal, without drugs or alcohol.

Does the Coronavirus Pandemic Have a Silver Lining? Tragedy’s Secret Gifts Revealed?

A trauma victim, survivor, and life coach reveals personal lessons learned in the midst of tragic life experiences.

Open Sesame? Caution: Our Impatience Could Kill Us!

The coronavirus pandemic is crazy-making. But we can’t afford to make crazy decisions. Here’s how wellness practices can help.

In the Midst of Coronavirus Pandemic, Ask Yourself: “Love Me, Love Me Not?”

A trauma victim, survivor, and life coach reveals the power of self-love and self-care for self-preservation.

Coronavirus Will Cause PTSD Crisis in Wake of Tragedy?

A trauma survivor and life coach shares PTSD’s warning signs and lessons learned on his journey from PTSD to trauma recovery & personal transformation.

PTSD Prevention Amidst COVID-19 PANDEMIC: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach

A trauma victim, survivor, and life coach presents evidence-based practices to protect ourselves against life’s unwelcome surprises.

Caution: Avoidance Behavior May Be Hazardous To Your Health

A trauma survivor and life coach shares a simple mental health tool for coping with avoidance and improving your wellbeing.

Balanced Living. Creating Your Own Wheel of Fortune.

A life coach reveals how to achieve a zen-like harmony by balancing your mind, body, and spirit.

Stressed Out? It’s Not About What Happens To You. It’s About How You Respond.

To read these or other articles by the author,


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The Gift: Trauma to triumph

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